Oddly enough, many people who write have not taken the time to learn to touch type.

Learn to Touch Type

. . . so totally that you never look at the keyboard. I am amazed at the number of writers I know who look at their keyboard every few seconds. This is like looking down at your feet as you walk.

If you want to be able to write a lot without injuring your body and developing a permanently slumped posture, you need to be able to look out the window, look at a photograph that inspires you, close your eyes, look around the room, and then glance at the screen every few seconds to make sure you are writing in the proper space.

You shouldn't even need to be looking at the screen constantly as you write.

Think about it – why should you be staring at the screen constantly? If you think of the word, and your fingers type it, that is enough. You can take a peek at the screen every 4 or 5 seconds or so. I have the spell checker on constantly, so if I misspell a word, it will show up in red.

I have found that it is a waste of breath to even mention to a writer, "Hey, learn to touch type." It has no impact other than to ruin the relationship by adding a preachy element. So don't even ask me about it.